
I taste the sin inside my mouth
Blood from this wounded heart
Beating sanely its wicked life
On pounding drums roll death

Just between the solid beats
A moment of cold regret
But should I ever cast a blink
vengeance will surly come

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Life Insurance

I awake to a day gone bad
The bitter morning calls to arms
But I set out completely defenseless
Vulnerable to the toils of Fate

The dawn bleeds into the sky
As my life pulls out in front of me
The burned rubber and broken glass
Sound the end of my seeing of you

Your face it sank in my eyes
It was everything I needed to see
I was ready to die at that moment
Knowing I still had your love

Life begins to reveal its irony
But I’m praising that life isn’t fair
I know if I got what was coming
I never could have touched your lips again

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The Drive

I’m weaving between metal death
My fingers flow with turns of you
And every car passed brings me closer
Closer to your touch of love

The radio plays all our songs
So every word I take to heart
Everything you have ever said
Is treasured within these doors

The air becomes my only hope
Filled with all the breaths of you
Rushing through my distant eyes
And crashing upon my heart

The mileage is my written proof
With every mile I love you more
I’d drive forever to see you smile
To hold you close to my heart

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Everything Poetry

As we lay here holding on so closely
I gaze up at those heavenly fires
Brilliantly burning their lives away
Clinging only to their darkness

The moon’s radiance soothes me
Warming my mind to distant thoughts
Gleaming upon the softly breaking waves
That wash the broken death ashore

The streetlights yield a steady flicker
Complimented by the sound of passing cars
The rhythmic ambiance flows with my heart
A heart that is beating only for you

Seaborne air breathes the scent of life
And we’re quick to run to warmer refuge
The clouds set themselves upon your lips
Lacing the ground with its subtle shine

I shut my eyes and soak you in completely
And I pray I’ll never wake from this dream
With you it seems everything is poetry
From my heart with a perfect love

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Midnight’s Reign

Midnight air thickens and I struggle to breathe
Falling tears wash away the memories
And the sounding beat spells out pain
While every moment reminds me of you

My face hits my hands and I bury the thought
And I wish for a fire long since gone now
The cold is welcomed but now I’m freezing
And I yearn for a dry place to rest

Slowly the storms rise with eventual death
And the darkness eclipses your sun
So I gasp with fear and sigh a resolve
And I cry until the rain goes away

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Ocala Night

In the quiet stillness of night
As the rain softly taps on my heart
A breeze gently rustles through my mind
Which carries the whisper of your name

Months of time pass in seconds
As I lust for the thought of you
I fear to be left alone with my thoughts
Alone without the sound of your name

Words spill onto paper like blood
And they flow through the veins of pages
That somehow these feeble words might suffice
And fill your heart with the love I breathe

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My Rejection

When the days become long and hot
And the sun again shows no mercy
The thought is burned into my head
The memory of my summer past

The painful ones I’d rather forget
These better ones I hardly know
My broken thoughts have pulled together
Time has slowly found its way

Well I bet you never understood
I’m guessing you were that blind
The things you did to kill my heart
When I needed you the most

The times when I would fight at home
Those days I bet you never cared
Did you care enough to look inside?
Pain was swelling in my eyes

My self had become lost in me
My soul had become unclear
Did you see the loss in me?
You never tried to help me find

When I only needed someone to hold
You went and ripped yourself away
When I was weak you struck me down
Did you ever even understand?

Even when I was falling after you
Did you catch me before I hit?
The nights I cried over my loss
I bet you never knew about those

But when I hit I stood right up
Hand by hand climbed out of pain
Now you want what you always had
What you selfishly gave away

I won’t let you drag me down again
I’m bruised but I’m not beaten
And this isn’t a hate letter, oh no
This is merely an explanation

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Love Before 11:00 a.m.

In distant thoughts or fading dreams
I can envision your crystaled eyes
Burning blue torches of fire
Fueled by the essence of your soul

As the night coat begins to shed
Light breaks across your every contour
Illuminating my thoughts with you
That flow filled with your beauty

The sand of time trickles tardily
And I savor every grain of love
And I long to hold you close to me
To live again inside your smile

Categories : poetry
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Love Always

As the morning light was breaking
I felt your warmth on my face
And as I woke up with a smile
I recalled the dream I had of you

As I’m listening to the music
I can hear you in the words
Singing out to reach me
Our chord which you charmed

I’ll pass you in the hallway
And greet you with my arms
Exchange intimate glances
The day becomes a better place

I love it when you lean on me
It makes me feel like I’m still strong
I’ll embrace you in my arms
And swear to never let you go

And when I read your letters
There’s not a word I understand
Except where you signed it
“Love Always”

And as the days continue on
Hopefully I’ll never wake up
From this dream, the dream is you
I will love you always, and forever

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I’m sick of this feeling I have
A guilt and regret I didn’t earn
A hate you sowed in my heart
An anger you continued to fuel

And so I’ve let you go now
I even set you gently down
I’ve found your love in another
Someone who always makes me smile

Someone who’s there when I fall
And cares enough to say it so too
Someone who makes me feel wanted
And wants to be wanted the same

This is everything you threw away
All you had but tossed aside
This is my life I have to live
A life you chose to live without

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