
A simple game between two hearts
That builds and grows from another
Caring for each other’s needs
Loving them for who they are

And when one side has had enough
They’ll turn on you and declare war
Murdering those that they once loved
And dividing their allies amongst them

The feud will last for sever weeks
Taking unmercifully the innocent too
It’s funny how our lives can be so changed
With a simple change of mind

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The Storm

The daytime high begins to crash
Waves breaking coldly on the shore
The moon casts its deathly shadow
A grim relief of its former self

The smoke consumes the arid sky
And the hours trickle down my face
Distilled by a natural fate
That solidifies a truth well kept

The scornful wind plunders the trees
Explosions litter the atmosphere
Streams of justice take revenge
A fire destroys inadvertently

Soon the suppression lifts
The moon reveals itself to the sky
The day now silently breaking
Behold the irony of love

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In Memory Of

In this deep and quiet suppression
I find myself alone with my thoughts
A matrix of burning emotions
Entangled in the thought of you

I’ve had my share of bad days
Paid in full with hate for you
You left me here without a reason
Your absence speaking all you felt

As my fall became sincere
I turned away from the pain
And thought I knew I’d be missed
I left with my final good-bye

Now that I’ve found another
You’re wanting back what you gave away
All we had and all we know
Lost in the memory of tomorrow

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So Called Truth

Trapped within a bitter despair
Cool air forces itself through the trees
And the amble of the day turns to haste
As the crow devours the white dove

The elicited truth bleeds forth
And my hands bathe themselves red
As the grotesque truth is revealed to me
A watered down lie once believed

And its as the night becomes day
Hate replaces love in my heart
And anger streams thought my veins
Destroying a heart no longer for you

I spit in the face of so called truth
I chew on it and regurgitate it back
And I fear this merciless soul-killer
And I find ignorance a pleasing savior

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Setting Sun

Love, it’s like a sunset
An inevitable fact of life
A beauty that captures our eyes and heart
But eventually fades below the horizon

A feeling you’ll always return to
And one that will always be there in the end
A fortunate token of life
That no man has control of

And everyday tells a story
The sun burns a love that’s true
The ocean’s depth my capacity
Despise the night that steals you away

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First Love

My hands become cold as I embrace loneliness
And I’m remembering every word you said
Every lie I believed foolishly
With your every synthetic emotion

My heart bleeds to this day for you
But your eyes are nowhere to be found
And you’ve fortified your heart against me
And you left me here to die all alone

I tried so hard to get you to stay
But by then you’ve run out of reasons
You are the first I really, truly loved
And I’m sorry now for this fact

So I’ll say “fuck you” and “good-bye”
Even though I’ll never forget you
And I blame myself for all of this
I should have never opened up

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The day gives way to darker heir
And I struggle with the thought
Violent games play inside my head
You’re there too, standing silent

I brace myself for the impact
And it has hit but I haven’t moved
Still pretending you’re there
Still wishing you weren’t gone

Awoke to the warmth of the sun
But my heart is solid ice now
Slowly cracking and breaking
And I can do nothing but watch

Now we go about our days
With those feelings ignored
And my love is replaced with hate
Don’t let this be the end

You’ll leave all the same
And I’ll cry and forget you
Then you’ll come running back
But I’ll already be gone

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Far Away Places

As I sit surrounded by strangers
A find myself dreaming of far away places
And wishing every breath wasn’t our last
Searching for an answer to an unknown question

I’m torn between these worlds
Of reality and surrealism
And I’m lost between you and me
Trapped within a void of hate

And I dare to dream of you
Your beauty hits me like the sun
Following even in my darkest recess
An image that is never gone

I cannot tell day from night
I drink the water that is sand
Slowly choking my love away
Until my heart stops beating

I turn to my enemies in disguise
And outreach my hand with a plea
And the silent condemnation tolls
And once again I am alone

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On the surface, you pretend to be.
Powerful, Wealthy, Prestigious
Your friends, your family
So comforting – so perfect.

On the surface, you think you understand.
You act out life’s charade, hoping to be know
Hoping to be loved.
You were born this way, and you shall die as this.

On the surface, you start your construction
You build toward that which you cannot reach
You seek that which is not even there.
To be something you can never be.

But I have burrowed beneath the surface

Underneath you see who you really are.
You life was nothing, so empty.
Your friends abandoned you; your family denied you
So truthful – so hurting.

Underneath is where true knowledge is found.
You begin to reveal the most deadly secrets.
I’ve never been so alone
But I’ve never been so alive.

You tear down the mask you wear.
And go deep within the earth
To find truth; to find yourself
To be what you know you are

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Midnight Passion

The shadows slowly fade behind the moon
As the waters calmly die upon the shores
The stars reflect a heavenly sensation
Whose rejoice compared is nothing to mine

I’m holding you so close to my heart
The clouds of time stand motionless in awe
Marveled at your every little beauty
A match of two even heaven can’t define

And if the entire world had ended tonight
My whole world would still be the same
Just as long as you will stay here forever
Though forever may not be long enough

Everyday I’m sinking even deeper into you
And if I should drown that would be okay
There’s nothing else I’d rather feel tonight
Than the every tender curve of your love

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