
This feeling I cannot describe
The way you make me feel inside
Your every breath, your every touch
I’ve never felt a love so much

The way your smile makes me feel
Inside your eyes a sweet surreal
The softened feeling of your skin
These things I never want to end

I hope these words aren’t too late
I hope your love will not abate
Too long I’ve held these thoughts within
How beautiful this time has been

I hope we’ll make it through the fights
That keep me wide awake at night
I just don’t want to see you go
Just tell me that you see it so

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Thoughts freelancing inside my head
Feeling that I’d be better of dead
Without you I’m just standing here
Succumbing to my greatest fear

I’ve waited so long for you now
Those words I will not disavow
I loved you but now I’m fading away
So save me while I’m here today

Time is slowly healing my heart
A heart which you’ve torn all apart
But I don’t want to let it heal
Or else I’ll forget you’re even real

And if I make my heart out of tune
To you I will become completely immune
To save my own heart from breaking so
I can not take another such blow

Sure we make really good friends
But there is doesn’t have to end
If we start over what is it worth?
Our feelings will still unearth

So now keep me from moving on
Become not to me withdrawn
I’m losing you more every day
So come get me if you want to stay

Since you left I cannot dream
I don’t know what these feelings mean
I love you still but just make sure
A broken heart has no cure

I was too afraid to tell you before
But not that I have let’s not ignore
I’ve done everything I know to do
So now I give it up to you

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Colourless Dreams

In the shade of night
You hide amidst the trees
Broken from a passing thought
That never left your mind

The lifeless colour of grey and black
Haunt me like a photograph
A story behind our stilled result
With inanimate emotion swirled

The colourless stain of blood
From a heart broken with tears
Left open and cold for all
Screaming for a soothing hand

A lighted array of thought
Tainted with insecurity and desire
Of that love I once felt
That I sent but never received

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I’m leaving now
Time to say farewell
To the times we once had
And to my love

So broken-hearted
Where did I go wrong?
I never had you, did I?
It was just pretend

The pain is real, though
I’m seeing you everyday
And each glance hurts still
It makes me cry

This game is over
I’ve waited long enough
If you ever loved me
You would be back by now

When I am gone
You’ll be missing me
And I’ll miss you

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Fruits of Water

I find myself lonely but not alone
Surrounded by pain and sorrow
Washing in a pool of self pity
Dirtied by a broken heart

Forbidden fruits encompass me
Tempting me with their beauty
Promising a fresh new life
So I hold them without tasting

Thoughts race through my mind
Memories and regrets I hold
Emotions distilled by hate
But I try not to fall down

The sun never did shine
Only light comes from within
But the night is suppressing
And I love and hate you

As I wade into deeper sorrow
My tears begin to drown me
And if these tears were yours
I wouldn’t mind death

Now I am lost to begin
And the oceans swell high
So I capsize my own boat
And my face pleads a resolve

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Sunday Rain

Sunday rain hits the ground
Replaying a too familiar sound
I lock myself inside my room
And listen to the quiet tune

You’ve been gone for far too long
And it’s too late to say you’re wrong
This isn’t how it’s supposed to be
If only I could make you see

Love songs pour out the car
Breakup songs are not too far
I’m hearing different than before
What the hell am I waiting for?

I read the letters you had sent
I dreamed of you without consent
I remembered how it used to be
Both together happily

I write you poems you’ll never read
And make myself this final creed
I love you enough to let you go
But if you leave I’ll never know

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In this quiet suppression
I slowly begin to fade
Muffled by the darkness
Eventually life is paid

A tear shatters the silence
Of what you thought was real
Engulfed in my own sorrows
No longer want to feel

The morrow proves no better
I’m better left behind
Falling out of myself
To never again find

But you could have it all
The nothingness I hold
I won’t keep it from you
My life is already sold

Voices cry out with pity
They run within my ears
They could never understand
They’ll never know my tears

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I’d Kill For Peace

“I’d kill for peace.” said one man
Marching off to war.
His blade gripped in his hand,
His head filled with lore

Of those who came before him,
So bravely did they fight.
They left home but a peasant,
But returned a noble Knight.

“I’d kill for peace.” said another,
About to face his foe.
He wielded his mighty mace
And swung his deadly blows.

The clashing of the sabers,
The clanking of the spears,
The sounding of the crying trumpets
Filled the warrior’s ear.

“I’d kill for peace.” shouted one soldier
As the hour grew weary and late,
“I’d kill for peace.” agreed another
If they only knew their fate.

Then the war was over,
And nothing could be said.
No heroes were forged that day,
For no hero can be dead.

In war there is one victor,
And all shall know its name.
Every man will succumb to it,
For it will always reign.

“I’d kill for peace.” said the man,
Who lay dying under sun.
For when the war was over,
He found that only death had won.

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You strive so hard,
To see what’s not there.
You begin conjure,
As you sit there and stare

Of glory and riches,
And greatness of all kind,
But what you are really seeing
Is only your mind.

Still you move left and right,
To get a better view,
Of the great glory and power,
That only exists in you.

Your blind faith has taken you,
And from that comes no relief.
But pain and sorrow,
Lay still at your feet.

But those who seek,
The truth behind it all,
They have true riches
They shall not fall.

For the answers lie,
Not in the answers themselves,
But in the question asked,
Just look within yourself.

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The Darkness

The darkness enshrouds me
like a warm blanket in winter
or the thought of fear among the fearful.
The darkness soothes me
like a thousand singing sirens
or a lover’s hand upon my beaten face.
The darkness conceals me
like the night hides the sun
or my deepest inner secrets held.
The darkness welcomes me
like an inn to the lost traveler
or a mother’s knowing embrace.
The darkness contains me
like the sky holds its stars,
or the man who keeps his soul.
The darkness is a place I’ve found;
a place I shall never leave.

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