The Sun Turns to Grey

The sun turns to grey
and my shaded heart to gold
when you flash a smile.

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From the Blue

Here upon the threshold of a midnight hour,
as the arctic air pulses through my veins,
love rides upon the wings of a whisper
that throws my heart into a deafening roar.

Conversation warms under incandescent rays
while angelic eyes set the mood free.
Impossibility becomes a bitter rumor
as a smile gives way to fledgling hope.

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Dragonfly circles around my head at night.
She rides the cool morning breeze
to show me places I’ve only dreamed possible.
Her back burns a cerulean blue
and her nose leads with a silver diamond.
A hundred copper eyes reflect her one true soul
and sees my gray heart in six-hundred ways.
To catch her is futile; all I can do is lie still
and let her grace my bed until the westerly wind blows.

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Silk Hands

Her golden face warms
the icy depths of my heart.
Silk hands cure this blight.

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Adrift in Time

Splintered thoughts cannot express
the violence that powers these wounded hands.
As each twisted line slips away,
I am one awkward step closer to my fate.

Inside the wisdom of a tainted grape
I find no delusions, no distractions
from my malevolent realities. Instead
the pain ferments inside: a bitter crop.

Rage soothes me but does not satisfy
the lurid desires of a shaded heart;
as each blackened grain of time falls
that radiant desolation spreads further inward.

Listless nights drown me with a vast silence
and faded splendor of worlds unobtainable.
Here I live beneath a placid surface;
a cold and wavy face adrift in time.

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Arctic Hope

The winds of life blow
across the oceans of my heart;
changing love to ice
deep beneath the crushing days.

What ship can traverse
these cold and uncharted thoughts?
Who can navigate
when the stars have all disappeared?

A new moon rises;
its pale hope glistening silently
on these shaded sails.
But soon it too is gone.

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Essence of a Moment

In the essence of a moment,
shade and brilliance meet.
Intertwined into such beauty:
the aura of a soul.

The stillness pursues
where loss and gain ceases
and a dim light shines
warming this shaded heart.

In this silent surrender
perfect love knows no other.
So death and life are one;
collectively this heart.

A thought is born
from memories of love
as angel’s tears spread
filling this star-lit sky.

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Songs Never Sung

Songs never sung
echo through my mind.
Days yet to come
are all I know.
I am to blame
for this love undone.
Two lives the same
will never be.
The mind is cold
and obsolete.
A heart less bold
perhaps colder still.
I’ve left untied
the sail of life;
The sun casting
now its last shadow.

Songs never sung
echo through my mind.
Days yet to come
are all I know.

I am to blame
for this love undone.
Two lives the same
will never be.

The mind is cold
and obsolete.
A heart less bold
perhaps colder still.

I’ve left untied
the sail of life;
The sun casting
now its last shadow.

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Veil of Hearts

Shadows I cast in light
Veil my hope for love
But I’m blind to life
As my heart sees you

Stumbling through darkness
Not to find my vision
But to gain my love
And hold her closer still

Memories escape me
Those simple, dull seconds
And my passionate moments
Confused now with dreams

Dreaming always of you
The sick and the sweet
Always beautiful to mind
Always tourment to soul

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Take me by the hand again
You pull me deeper in
Inside the dream that I call “You”
You make me want to live again

Look me in the eyes and say
Speak to me from your heart
Tell me how it’s going to end
Make us different from the rest

Hold me close and never release
You take my breath away
Time stands still in endless wonder
At the moment of your touch

Categories : poetry
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