Words drip from her lips

Words drip from her lips
like honey; her twisting tongue
unravels my soul.

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Sown in the shadows of the night;
forged through the fires of the heart;
tested in the thirst of the day;
denied by the whispers of the tongue;
bled by the dagger of truth;
frozen in the depths of love;
guarded by the gates of the soul;
reduced to the corner of my mind.

Categories : poetry  free verse
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Dragonfly circles around my head at night.
She rides the cool morning breeze
to show me places I’ve only dreamed possible.
Her back burns a cerulean blue
and her nose leads with a silver diamond.
A hundred copper eyes reflect her one true soul
and sees my gray heart in six-hundred ways.
To catch her is futile; all I can do is lie still
and let her grace my bed until the westerly wind blows.

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Looking Glass

On opposite glass I see her walking
silently past my life; a graceful ghost
floating slowly as if searching, wanting,
haunting this dilapidated soul.

Her face is golden and her skin
inviting to palms moist with tears.
Lifeless veils cover her pleading eyes
and guard closely that perilous path.

Suddenly, she turns her face toward me
glancing, her mouth opening so slightly,
as if a lover had whispered her name
or stroked those ebony strands.

I stand frozen, immobilized as her silhouette
burns against my unrelenting desire.
My mind races for one brazen act in life
as she smiles softly at her timely reflection.

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Essence of a Moment

In the essence of a moment,
shade and brilliance meet.
Intertwined into such beauty:
the aura of a soul.

The stillness pursues
where loss and gain ceases
and a dim light shines
warming this shaded heart.

In this silent surrender
perfect love knows no other.
So death and life are one;
collectively this heart.

A thought is born
from memories of love
as angel’s tears spread
filling this star-lit sky.

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Veil of Hearts

Shadows I cast in light
Veil my hope for love
But I’m blind to life
As my heart sees you

Stumbling through darkness
Not to find my vision
But to gain my love
And hold her closer still

Memories escape me
Those simple, dull seconds
And my passionate moments
Confused now with dreams

Dreaming always of you
The sick and the sweet
Always beautiful to mind
Always tourment to soul

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Flowered Love

Restlessness tightens its grip on me
And deprives me of those dreams of you
A twilight now endures for days
Those questions burning inside my soul

The flame – freely burning at first
Through perseverance becomes controlled
A light that radiates a love for you
A love which is as true as the day

Within the stillness of this sanctuary
The seeds of love are sown
And gently nurtured to flowered life
Which blooms the image of my heart

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This Heavenly Scent

This heavenly scent captivates my sense
Drugging my mind with your love
Purging my emotion of all impurities
Leaving only this sweetened aroma

Caught up within this cool composure
Your warming aura envelops me
Breathing life into my lungs
That I may breathe your name

Flowers provoke undying happiness
And perfume a lasting love
But your scent transcends all my senses
To a place deep within my soul

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Echos sound across these walls
Reflecting thoughts I threw away
Burning imagines inflame my mind
As hate consumes my fading heart

Lonliness never seems to leave
Along with words I could do without
I spit the acid of rejection
At your lies and broken promises

Feelings plague this hallow soul
And I curse myself into hell
When voices sound in my direction
I’ll be too far gone to hear

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Breathe. Taking in the air
Silent intoxication here
Streaming through my veins
Bleeding out my tears
A forced sigh of discomfort

Speak. Nothing to be said
An evil silence spreads
Dying slowly to myself
Trying not to think aloud
Another second creeps on by

Feel. Numbness takes control
A pain that killed a soul
Escaping through my hands
Taping up the wounds
The dark consumes the fire

Die. Struggle for the life
This long and lonely strife
Crying to gods not there
Fearing what a moment brings
My heart never feels a beat

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